Does Mixcraft 7 work with Windows 10? UPDATE: Nevermind it was fine after a couple of restarts of my computer.. I never had to do anything before But, like I said, I'm sure they're working on a driver update.
It looks like this might be a common problem for this interface where every so often you need to reboot it.
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Hi, I have upgraded to Windows 10 from 7 and I am having problems with Mixcraft Pro Studio 7.. 1 64 bit Build 279 It seems to be quite slow to respond and hangs up quite a lot.. I'll contact Focusrite and see if there's a fix for it Sorry for wasting everyone's time. Gould 3405 Pumpenhandbuch
The pannacotta army wrote:I rang Focusrite last week about my Scarlet 18i20 following a Windows 10 update and was told to download the latest beta drivers - You might want to wait to speak to support though I did download the latest USB beta drivers and updated Scarlett MixControl and the 18i8 is working fine with Mixcraft now.. Fredfish wrote:I am curious as to which Line6 device you have? - I have a KB37 an X3 Live and an HD500 - do you know of any issues with the drivers for those? Cheers John Hey John, I have a UX2 but not sure of any other device.. I think the main issue was my Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 audio interface For some reason I needed to power it off/on and then it started working again.. MixControl isn't working properly and keeps saying no hardware detected I might contact Focusrite and find out what the situation is.. I'm sure they'll release some drivers soon to deal with any Windows 10 problems, they're a good company and provide good support. 5842b3f4e3 Gratis Aplikasi Bbm Versi 7 Untuk Blackberry
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